Field Trips
Four field trips to see the conference themes in action across a range of farms in the Margaret River region and beyond.
Field Trip 1
Farm to Fork
Visiting local examples of integrating primary production with value add, tourism, and retail for diverse and commercially-successful businesses. You’ll visit Fair Harvest Permaculture Farm, including an onsite demonstration by Rowan Reid, Barefoot Organic Farm, The Berry Farm, and finish at Glenarty Rd Farm for a tour and sample of their produce and wine.
Field Trip 2
From Principle to Practice
Visit local livestock farmers incorporating organic, regenerative or other sustainable farming principles into their daily operations, and hear about the challenges and rewards they have encountered long the way.
Field Trip 3
Sustainable Vineyards
Visit some exemplary local vineyards and explore the range of sustainable approaches, from biodynamic to organic, sustainable to regenerative, and see how they are managing their production and the promotion of their efforts. This day will cover things like Cullen Wine’s soil carbon project and their biodynamic approach, Overstory Wine’s in-row poultry and biodiverse cover crops, Stormflower’s involvement in the National Eco Vineyards project, and Voyager Estate’s soil improvements and their effect on wine terroir.
Field Trip 4
Cabbage Without the Baggage
Travel a little further afield to explore three family-run mixed horticulture and livestock businesses in Manjimup, regeneratively growing high quality, nutrient-dense products in a manner that improves the natural environment and the land on which they farm.
Dive right into the nuts and bolts of some key regenerative agriculture principles in one of these full day workshops on 5 September.
Workshop 1
Multispecies Pastures – From principle to practice
Facilitated by the Lower Blackwood LCDC and presented by leading cover cropping practitioner and seed grower Grant Sims, & local agroecologist Mark Tupman, this 1 day workshop will explore the ‘why’ & the ‘how’ of seeding multispecies and perennial plants into grazing pastures. Included in the day will be site visits to Lower Blackwood farms that have been putting principle into practice & improving their paddock soil health through pasture biodiversity.
Workshop 2
Calculating Pasture & Grazing to Build Soil & Profitability
In this 1 day workshop & field walk, pasture ecologist and regenerative grazier Dr Judi Earl will discuss the critical skill of pasture assessment – it’s place in the business of grazing & building soil health, and how it can influence pasture & animal production targets. Included in the day is a field walk to demonstrate how to assess pasture in the field & how to undertake a feed budget. Participants will also be introduced to planning grazing around assessment of pasture and feed requirements.
regen events
Rachel’s Farm:
Film screening and conversation
(5 September)
Film director and actor Rachel Ward is not the first person you’d expect to join a farming revolution. In this triumphant film, director and actress Rachel Ward voyages from her own wilful ignorance about the ecological impacts of conventional agriculture, to championing a movement to restore the health of our farmland, food and climate.
Join Director Rachel Ward, Jade Miles from Sustainable Table, and Anthony James from RegenNarration podcast for a special panel discussion after the film.
$20 ticket includes a glass of wine / beer / soft drink
Book Launch:
Author in conversation
(7 September)
Join highly acclaimed science and environmental writer, Jill Griffiths in conversation with Gourmet Farmer and fellow author, Matthew Evans as she talks about timely new book, What’s for Dinner? Our food, our choice, our planet.
$15 ticket includes a glass of wine / soft drink